Doo Seong Metal what is a former company of DSM is a leading company of Platinum crucible market by concentrating Pt crucible and Pt product. Doo Seong Metal was started to supply glass melting crucible to Korea's No. 1 TV glass maker and now growth as a glass industry specialist for Pt crucible and exporting single crystal growth Pt crucible, what is high added value, to USA. DSM's development was linked with Korea glass industry's development. DSM was supporting display technique by technical development of braun tube what is used for TV, PDP (Plasma display panel) glass powder and LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) glass powder. DSM is keep concentrating on Pt product what is used in display market what is one of Korea's national key industries. DSM is working on R&D to build a overall production line for glass industry. For example T/C(Thermo Couple) what is used for precision temperature and high purity purify technique. DSM make every effort for R/D and quality development by emphasize speciality of each business part and introduce task force team and establish 5 teams.